
How to Create a Winning Sales Pitch

November 21, 2023
min read time
Nataliia Ponomarenko
Nataliia Ponomarenko
Marketing Assistant,
How to Create a Winning Sales Pitch

Have you ever bought something you didn’t think you needed, just because the person selling it made it sound awesome?

How to write a sales pitch that resonates with your audience is an art form, much like storytelling? The meaning of a sales pitch goes beyond just listing the benefits of a product. It’s about weaving a narrative that places the product at the center of a potential buyer’s world. That’s what turns an ordinary product pitch into a good sales pitch.

Know Who You’re Talking To

Research is Key

Let’s consider the classic elevator pitch for sales. Imagine you have a lemonade stand. You want to sell more lemonade, right? So, you need to know who is walking by your stand.

If it’s a hot day and you see a group of kids playing soccer nearby, they’ll probably be thirsty. Your sales pitch ideas must reflect this understanding by highlighting the refreshing, sweet taste of your cold lemonade.

You think, “Hmm, kids love something sweet and cold after running around.” So, you put up a sign that says, “Ice-cold lemonade here!” with pictures of lemons and ice cubes. That’s like doing research. You saw who your customers might be (the kids playing soccer) and thought about what they would want (something sweet and cold).

It’s the same in a big business. Let’s say you work for a company that makes phones, like Apple or Samsung. Before they try to sell a new phone, they look at who will buy it.

They understand that their sales pitch examples need to address specific customer complaints, like battery life, to be effective. That’s how knowing who you’re talking to and what they want can help you sell more, whether it’s lemonade or smartphones.

Talk to the Right People

Imagine you’re at your lemonade stand. You have two types of customers: kids wanting a sweet treat and parents seeking something refreshing but not too sugary. You wouldn’t talk to the parents and kids the same way, right?

For the kids, you might say, “Hey, try this super sweet and cool lemonade!” But for the parents, you could say, “Our lemonade has fresh lemons and is a healthy, refreshing drink!” This is like what a smart business does.

This reflects a fundamental sales presentation example: Nike doesn’t just sell sneakers. They sell a lifestyle, adapting their message for athletes and fashion-forward consumers alike. Your tips for pitches must include tailoring your message to your audience.

To communicate well, adjust your message for the audience, like changing your sign at a lemonade stand.

Create Imaginary Friends

Alright, let’s say you have a stand where you sell all kinds of sandwiches, not just lemonade now. You want to sell more sandwiches, but everyone likes different things. So, you make up some imaginary friends to help you think about what to sell.

One imaginary friend is “Jogging Joe.” Joe loves to run and wants healthy food. Another is “Office Olivia,” who works nearby and needs a quick, tasty lunch. Then there’s “Vegan Val,” who only eats plant-based food.

They can guide you in crafting sales pitch ideas that feel personalized. Made-up friends are like good sales pitch examples of the real people who might come to buy your sandwiches.

For Joe, you make a sandwich with lots of proteins. For Olivia, you have a special daily deal that’s fast to serve. And for Val, you create a sandwich with all vegan ingredients. When they come to your stand, you tell them about these special sandwiches you’ve made just for them.

Big companies do this too. For example, Spotify makes playlists for different types of listeners. They might make one playlist for students who like quiet music to study to. Another one for people who need upbeat music for a party.

By creating these ‘imaginary friends,’ Spotify can suggest the perfect playlist for each person’s mood or activity. This makes everyone think Spotify really understands their music taste. Just like your sandwich buyers think you know exactly what they want to eat for lunch.

What’s Your Story?

The Ingredients of a Super Pitch

Let’s go back to your lemonade stand. Now, you want to make your lemonade stand the most popular one around. You start thinking about what makes your lemonade special. Maybe your grandma taught you how to make it, and you use her secret recipe with a special ingredient.

Or perhaps you always use organic lemons from your own backyard. This is your story — the unique thing about your lemonade that makes it not just any lemonade, but something special. This storytelling is an essential part of your sales pitch template.

When you’re selling your lemonade, you don’t just say, “Here’s lemonade.” You tell your customers, “This lemonade has a secret recipe with a special mint twist, just like my grandma used to make!” This makes people curious and excited because they’re not just buying a cup of lemonade. They’re getting a sip of a special story.

Big companies do this all the time. For example, Apple doesn’t just sell you a phone. They offer you an iPhone that looks nice and fancy, crafting a best sales pitch, and it’s not just a phone. It’s about choosing a cool way of life.

It promises new, exciting features and works really well. They tell you a story about why their phone is worth having over all the others – because it’s more than a phone. It’s a piece of cutting-edge technology that’s cool to have.

This kind of story-telling is what makes their sales talk so good you can’t ignore it. It can work the same magic for your lemonade stand or anything else you’re trying to sell.

Keep it Snappy

Think of your favorite song and how it tells a story that sticks in your head. Now, imagine you’re selling your awesome lemonade again. You want to tell people why it’s awesome without boring them with a long story. So you come up with a catchy line that’s like the chorus of your favorite song.

Maybe you say, “Sip a sunny day! Grandma’s secret recipe in every drop!” That’s quick to say, easy to remember, and it shares the special story of your lemonade — all in one shot.

Big companies are good at this too. Look at Nike; they say “Just Do It.” That’s only three words, but it tells you a story about pushing yourself and being active. It’s short, powerful, and you remember it. When you’re giving a sales pitch, you want to be like Nike.

You tell your story — the cool thing that makes your product special — but you keep it as snappy as a great song chorus. That way, people get excited and understand why they should buy from you, without you needing to talk a lot.

Tell a Tale

Imagine you’re sitting around a campfire, and someone is telling a great story that makes everyone listen closely. That’s what you want to do when you’re selling something, like your homemade lemonade. Instead of just saying, “I sell lemonade,” you tell a tale that makes your lemonade stand out.

You might say, “When I was little, I used to make lemonade with my grandma every Sunday. She had a special dance she did while squeezing the lemons, and we all laughed so much!” When you tell this story, people can picture it, they feel something. They form a connection with your lemonade that they wouldn’t have from just a regular sales pitch.

Big companies tell stories, too. For example, when TOMS Shoes sells you a pair of shoes, they also tell you a story about how they give a pair to a child in need. It’s not just about the shoe; it’s about being part of a story where you’re helping someone else.

In conclusion, a good sales pitch is more than a description of a product’s features. It’s a combination of knowing your audience. Refining your message, using sales pitch ideas that resonate on a personal level. Creating a compelling narrative.

Whether through email pitch examples, a sales pitch deck, or an elevator pitch for sales, the goal remains the same. To craft a pitch that’s impossible to ignore.

Building Your Pitch Like a Pro

Grab Attention Right Away

Understanding the Sales Pitch Meaning and How to Craft One. The term ‘sales pitch’ can often bring to mind a fast-talking salesperson trying to convince you to buy something. However, a modern sales pitch is more about starting a conversation and finding out what the customer needs.

When you writing a pitch, it’s crucial to frame your offering in a way that appeals directly to your audience’s desires or pain points. Imagine you’re at a party and someone walks in wearing a super colorful hat. Everyone looks because it’s fun and different. That’s how you want to start your sales pitch — in a way that makes everyone look your way.

You could begin by doing something unexpected. Like quickly doing a cool magic trick with a lemon, and then talk about your lemonade. Or maybe you could wear a funny apron with a big lemon on it and start with a joke like, “Why did the lemon stop rolling down the hill? Because it ran out of juice!”

Big stores do this too. When you walk by a place like Lush Cosmetics, they might have a bath bomb fizzing in a bowl right at the front. Making colors swirl in the water and catching your eye. Or a tech store might have a cool robot by the door that moves and makes you want to see what else is inside.

Starting with something fun and attention-grabbing makes people want to stop and listen to what you have to say next. It’s like the sparkly hat at the party — it’s all about making a memorable entrance that gets people interested right from the start.

What’s In It for Them?

When you’re telling someone about what you’re selling, like your special lemonade, you want to make them think, “Wow, I need that!”. So, you focus on what’s in it for them.

Instead of just saying “My lemonade is homemade”. You could say, “This lemonade will cool you off on a hot day and give you a tasty break from your busy life”. You’re telling them that your lemonade isn’t just nice to drink. It’s a mini-vacation in a cup!

Businesses do this all the time. Take Dyson, the company that makes vacuum cleaners. They don’t just tell you that their vacuum sucks up dirt. They show you how it can make your home cleaner and allergy-free, which means less sneezing and more enjoying your space.

Or when a car company like Volvo talks about their cars, they don’t just list features. they tell you how those features will keep your family safe. They’re selling peace of mind, not just a car.

The trick is to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask, “What do they really want?” They don’t just want things; they want the good feelings and benefits those things bring. So when you pitch your product, always highlight how it makes life better, easier, or more fun for the person you’re talking to.

Tailoring this part of your sales pitch to directly answer the client’s problems with your solution is a key pitch tip. That’s what will really make them interested in what you have to offer.

Finish Strong

Just like the end of a fireworks show has the biggest bangs, you want the end of your sales pitch to make the biggest impact. You need a killer closing line that sticks in people’s minds after you’ve talked about your amazing lemonade.

You could say something like, “Take home a bottle of sunshine with our special lemonade – it’s the squeeze you need to brighten your day!” This line gives them a happy picture in their head and a good feeling about your lemonade.

Big companies are great at this, too. When Disney advertises a theme park, they might end with “Where dreams come true,” making you feel like you can’t miss out on the magic. Or a famous sports brand like Adidas might close with “Impossible is Nothing”. It inspired you to go out, get those shoes, and conquer your own challenges.

Your closing line should wrap up everything good about your product and leave people feeling excited. It’s the last thing they hear, so it should be something that makes them think, “Yes, I want that feeling, that experience!” and gets them to take the next step. Whether that’s buying your lemonade, visiting a theme park, or getting new sports gear. It’s about ending with a boom that makes them remember you and want what you’re selling.

Show, Don’t Just Tell

Bring on the Eye Candy

Imagine you’re telling your friends about your new puppy — it’s cute, right? But if you show them a picture where the puppy is doing something adorable, like trying to catch its tail. Your friends will probably go “Aww!” and fall in love with it instantly.

The same goes for selling your lemonade. If you just say, “It’s delicious,” that’s okay. But if you show a photo of someone sipping your lemonade and looking super refreshed, it’s like that cute puppy photo. People see the happiness and refreshment, and they start craving it.

In the business world, Apple is great at this. When they talk about an iPhone, they don’t just say it has a great camera. They show beautiful pictures that someone took with the iPhone. Or a car company like Tesla show sleek images of them zipping around curves with a beautiful sunset in the background.

The point is, when you’re trying to sell something, finding the right pictures, videos, or even a live demonstration can make all the difference. It turns your words into a real, vivid picture in someone’s mind. And when people can see with their own eyes how great something is, they’re a lot more likely to want it. That’s the power of showing, not just telling.


Think about when you see someone flying a really cool kite. You don’t just hear that it can fly high, you see it soaring up in the sky doing flips and spins, and you think, “Wow, I want to try that!” It’s the same when you’re selling something.

If you’re at your lemonade stand, don’t just tell people your lemonade is refreshing — show them! Have a pitcher full of icy lemonade and pour a glass right in front of them. Maybe even toss in a slice of lemon that splashes a little, so they can see how fresh and cool it is. That way, they’re not just hearing about it; they’re seeing it with their own eyes and really wanting to taste it.

Big companies do this all the time. Like when a blender company like Blendtec makes videos showing their blenders can chop up just about anything. They show a blender chewing up a smartphone or blending a bunch of marbles. People watch and think, “If it can do that, it can definitely make my smoothie!”

This kind of demonstration makes people believe in the product and gets them excited about what it can do for them. When customers see the product doing its thing, they’re way more likely to say, “I need this in my life!” That’s the magic of showtime in a sales pitch.

It’s Showtime!

Talk the Talk

When you’re trying to sell your lemonade, think of yourself as the host of a game show. You’ve got to be clear, friendly, and confident. That means speaking in a way that’s easy to understand and makes people feel good.

For example, stand tall, smile, and let your excitement about your lemonade show in your voice. Instead of mumbling “Wanna buy some lemonade?” you can say with a big smile, “Hey there! Care for a glass of the freshest, most delicious lemonade you’ve ever tasted?”

Business pros do this all the time. Take a look at a company like Apple. When they introduce a new iPhone, they don’t just say, “Here’s our new phone.”

They use simple, exciting words, and they’re really clear about how its new features will help you take amazing photos that you’ll cherish.

And someone at a car dealership? They don’t just talk about the horsepower of a car; they say things like, “Feel the thrill of the ride!” They’re not just sharing facts; they’re giving you feelings and experiences.

So remember, when you’re selling something, you want to talk in a way that paints a picture and gets people excited. Use words that help them imagine how great it would be to have your product. It’s like you’re telling a story, not just selling something. That way, you’re not just talking the talk; you’re making people listen and want to be part of the story you’re telling.

Walk the Walk

When you’re selling your super tasty lemonade, it’s not just the words you say that matter, but also how you move and look. Imagine a superhero standing tall and confident — that’s kind of how you want to be. When you talk about your lemonade, stand up straight to show you’re proud of it.

Make eye contact with people to let them know they’re important, and don’t forget to smile. Because smiles are like sunshine for your lemonade stand — they make everything better!

Big companies know this trick too. When someone at a fancy store like a jewelry shop shows you a necklace, they don’t just hold it up. They carefully take it out, stand it up nicely, and maybe even put it against a velvet cloth so it shines even more.

Or think of a tech store — the workers there don’t just stand behind the counter. They come out, greet you with a handshake, and guide you to the newest gadget with a friendly arm gesture. They’re using their body language to tell you, “Hey, this is something special!”

So remember, when you’re giving your sales pitch, your body can speak as loudly as your words. Use your hands to show how refreshing the lemonade is, keep your head up to look excited. Let your whole body say, “This lemonade is awesome!” That way, you’re not just talking about how good your lemonade is — you’re showing it with every move you make.

Rehearse, Rinse, Repeat

Think about when you’re learning to ride a bike. At first, it’s wobbly and you might fall off a few times. But the more you practice, the better you get until you’re zooming around like a pro! It’s just like that with selling your lemonade.

The first time you tell someone about your lemonade, you might stutter or forget what to say. But if you keep practicing your sales pitch – you’ll start to remember the words more easily and say them more confidently.

Even big company bosses practice a lot. Like a chef on a cooking show who practices making a dish many times before they film. So when the camera rolls, they can chop and stir while smiling and talking all about the recipe without looking down.

Or imagine a salesperson at a place like Best Buy. They learn about a new gadget and practice explaining it so when you ask. They can tell you all the cool things about it without stopping to think.

So, just like learning to ride a bike or cook a meal, the more you rehearse your sales pitch, the smoother it will go. Each time you say it, you can get better at making it sound fun and exciting. It will make people really want to try your lemonade.

And the best part? The more you practice, the more you feel like you can handle whatever happens, even if someone asks a tough question. That’s why practice is such a big deal for nailing your sales pitch.

But What If…?

Guess What They’ll Say

Imagine you’re playing a video game and you keep facing new, tricky levels. Before you know it, you become a master at predicting what’s coming next and how to beat it. Selling your lemonade is a bit like that. You might have someone ask, “What’s so special about your lemonade?”

You’ve got to be ready with good answers. So, before you start selling, think about all the hard questions people might ask, and come up with clear, friendly answers. That way, when someone throws you a curveball question, you can hit it out of the park!

Let’s look at a real-life example. When you go into a phone store like Verizon and ask, “Why is this phone so expensive?” the salesperson won’t just shrug.

They’ll be ready with an answer like, “This phone has the best camera on the market and it’ll last you for years. It’s worth the extra cost.” They’ve practiced answers for tough questions like this.

So, before you set up your lemonade stand, sit down and think of all the “But what if…?” questions someone could ask. Why is your lemonade better? What makes it special? Then, practice your answers.

Get so good at them that no matter what someone asks, you’ll have a response that’s as sweet and cool as the lemonade you’re selling. That’s how you handle the tough questions and keep your customers coming back for more!

Listen Up

Let’s say you’re trying to convince your friend to try your new chocolate chip cookie recipe, but they’re like, “I’m not sure… I don’t really like cookies that are too sweet.”

Instead of just saying “Trust me, they’re great!”, you listen to what they’re worried about and answer that. You could say, “These cookies aren’t too sweet – I’ve used less sugar, but they’re still super chocolatey and delicious.” By listening and responding to their worries, you’ve got a better chance of getting them to try a cookie.

In the world of business, listening is a superpower. Imagine someone selling TVs at Best Buy. If a customer says, “I don’t know if I need a smart TV,” the seller won’t just say “Buy it!”

They’ll listen and then explain, “A smart TV can connect to the internet so you can watch Netflix or check the weather. It’s really handy!” They use what they’ve heard to give the customer a reason to say “Yes.”

So, when someone seems unsure about your lemonade, listen closely to what they’re saying. Maybe they say, “I don’t like it too sour.” That’s your cue to tell them, “My lemonade has the perfect balance – not too sour, not too sweet, just refreshing.”

When you really listen, you can turn their “No” into a “Yes,” because you’re not just guessing what they want. You’re paying attention and giving them exactly what they’re looking for. That’s how you use your ears to make your sales pitch a success!

Make Lemons into Lemonade

You know how when life gives you lemons, they say to make lemonade? Well, selling stuff is kind of like that. Let’s say you’re selling lemonade and someone comes up and says, “I don’t really drink lemonade; it’s always too sweet.”

Instead of giving up, you make lemonade out of this lemon of a problem! You tell them, “Ah, you’ll love mine then! I make it with less sugar so you can taste the real lemon. It’s super refreshing, not too sweet.”

For instance, when a customer walks into a store like Apple and says, “I don’t want a phone that dies by lunchtime.” The salesperson sees this as a perfect chance to say, “Our new iPhone has all-day battery life. So even on your busiest days you won’t run out of charge.” They just turned a doubt into a selling point!

If someone isn’t sure about buying your lemonade for some reason, see it as a challenge. Turn their doubt into a reason they should get it. If they worry it’s not cold enough, show them the icy cooler you keep it in. It’s like you’re saying, “Hey, I’ve got exactly what you need!” That’s how you take those doubts and turn them into a big, refreshing glass of “Yes, please!”

Tech Tools to the Rescue

Cool Sales Gadgets and Apps

Think of Batman and all the cool gadgets he has in his belt that help him save the day. When you’re approaching a potential customer, you can have gadgets and apps as your superhero tools, too! If you have a lemonade stand, you could use a tablet with a card reader so people can pay with their credit cards or phones. That way, if someone doesn’t have cash, they can still be part of your target audience and buy your lemonade.

Businesses use all sorts of tech tools to help their sales reps sell stuff. Like in a shoe store. They might have a special iPad app that shows you how different sneakers will look on your feet without even trying them on. Also serving as social proof to others considering a purchase.

Or think about a food truck where they have a screen showing mouth-watering pictures of their dishes. They make it super easy for you to pick what you want by using sales decks to highlight key points about their offerings.

These cool sales gadgets and apps are key elements in making the sales process faster, easier, and more fun. They’re like your trusty sidekicks in the world of sales, aiding in building trust with your customers. When you’re getting ready to deliver a great sales pitch, think about what tech tools could help you make your sale smoother and snazzier.

Maybe it’s an app for quick payments like Venmo. Or a little video showing off your lemonade-making skills that you could create with an app like Adobe Spark. With the right tech at your fingertips, you’ll be ready to impress customers and make your sales soar!

Pitching from Afar

Imagine you’re playing a video game with a friend who’s in another town. You’re not in the same room, but you’re having a blast together, right? Selling over a video call is kind of like that. You can’t hand someone your lemonade through the screen, but you can still make an effective sales pitch that makes them want to try it.

You need to make sure they can see and hear you clearly, so you’d speak up, make sure the lighting in your room shows off your bright, sunny lemonade. Maybe even hold up a glass and sip it to show how refreshing it is. Or use a captivating subject line if you’re sending a promotional email to pique interest.

Businesses use tech to do this all the time. For example, someone selling fancy software doesn’t need to make cold calls or go to an office. They can use a tool like to have a video call, also talk about their product. End even share their screen to show how it works.

It lets you talk face-to-face with decision makers. Even if they’re far away, and you can share your screen to show them your website with all the cool things about your lemonade. The link to see how it works: Video for Sales.

So, you’re ready to pitch your product over a video call. Remember to use these tips and tools to make sure your pitch is just as powerful as it would be in person. With the right setup and maybe a sip of that lemonade on camera you can make everyone wish they had a glass! And you’re on your way to a successful sales pitch!

Keep Getting Better

What Did They Think?

Okay, so you know when you show your friend a dance move you just learned, and they give you tips to make it smoother? Getting feedback on your sales pitch is a lot like that. After you talk to people about your lemonade, ask them what they thought. Because each response is a chance to solve the problem that’s keeping them from buying.

Maybe they’ll say something like, “I like that you use fresh lemons. But I don’t get why it’s pricier than the lemonade from the store”. That’s super helpful because now you know you need to explain why your lemonade is special. Maybe you use organic lemons or make it fresh right in front of them.

Big companies do this all the time. They might have a new phone to sell, and after someone looks at it, they’ll ask, “What did you think of the camera?” Lots of people say, “It seems the same as my old phone”. The company might start talking more about the new features that make it different next time they pitch it to customers.

So, every time someone gives you a thumbs up about your lemonade pitch, listen to what they’re saying. Use their comments to make your pitch better, like adding in a story about how you squeeze the lemons by hand. This way, you keep getting better, and your lemonade stand becomes the talk of the town! It’s especially useful at networking events where you can directly engage with a large number of potential customers.

Try, Try Again

Think about playing a video game where you’re trying to beat a tough level. You don’t use the same moves over and over if they don’t work, right? You try different strategies until you find the one that gets you to the next level. Selling your lemonade (or anything else!) works the same way.

Maybe you start your pitch with a fun fact about lemons, but you notice people aren’t really interested. So next time, you try saying something like, “Did you know my lemonade has a secret ingredient that makes it extra refreshing?” If you see more people stop and listen, then you know you’re onto something good!

Real businesses do this kind of testing all the time. For example, a pizza place might try saying, “Our pizza has the cheesiest, gooey-est mozzarella”. See if that gets more people ordering than when they say, “We use a traditional wood-fired oven.” They keep changing their words until they find the magic sentence that makes everyone crave their pizza.

So, every time you talk about your lemonade, think of it as a test. Try different words, different stories, even different ways of showing your lemonade. Maybe with a twist of lemon on the cup or a little umbrella.

Keep track of what gets smiles and sales, and what doesn’t. Then, use what works best and keep tweaking it. By trying, trying again, and seeing what sticks, you’ll find the perfect way to pitch your lemonade and make it a big hit!

Change is Good

Let’s imagine you have a bike that you love to ride in the park when it’s sunny. But what if one day, it starts to rain a lot? You wouldn’t use the same thin tires designed for sunny weather; you’d switch to thicker ones that can handle slippery streets, right?

It’s like when you’re selling something. You see that people aren’t buying your really sweet lemonade because they like healthy things now. So you need to start talking about your lemonade in a way that fits what they’re into.

For example, a bookstore sees that fewer people are coming in because they’re reading e-books. The store might start reminding them about how nice it is to have a shelf full of books. To get them excited about buying physical books again.

So, if it seems like your lemonade stand isn’t as busy because everyone’s into being healthy, you could change your pitch. For example, “Try my fresh, homemade lemonade! Made from only natural stuff and doesn’t have any extra sugar. It’s a healthy drink”.

This way, you’re showing that you understand what people care about now, and you’re adapting what you say to meet those changes. Just like you change your bike’s tires to fit the weather, changing your pitch when times change is a smart way to keep your customers coming back for more!


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